Programmes of Grupo
Even though Grupo Jaragua started
working on short-term projects as funding became available, through
the years it has developed programmes that continue on the long term
the work of our most succesful projects. This way, we
capitalize the capacity in our staff as well as lessons learned.
These programmes show the commitment of Grupo Jaragua on the long
term with its mission and objectives.
Important Bird
The Important Bird Areas (IBA) program,
established by BirdlLife International, is the most ambitious
initiative for biodiversity conservation on a global scale. Here we
present some of the work related to this program in Dominican
Republic carried out by Grupo Jaragua in collaboration with many
Agroforestry System

Since 2004, Grupo Jaragua has been developing and
implementing its own agroforestry system, adapted to local conditions. for
this, we have established plan nurseries and pilot plots in the Biosfere
Reserve. Most of the plant species are native or endemic and have
commercial or have consumption value for local households.
Solar cooking

Just using sunlight, solar ovens
can be a good alternative to propane gas, charcoal and wood for cooking.
By reducing the use of these fuels, these ovens help reduce
deforestation of natural forests, save money and cut CO2
Monitoring of Hispaniolan hutia and
Hispaniolan hutia and solenodon are the last terrestrial endemic mammals of
Hispaniola, and both are endangered. This is mostly because their habitats
have been degraded or destroyed, and their capture by dogs, cats and mongoose.
Since 2005, Grupo Jaragua has been studing them in the
Jaragua-Bahoruco-Enriquillo Biosphere Reserve.
Ricord's iguana conservation

This is a critically endangered species only
surviving in Pedernales Province, Cabritos island and southern Enriquillo Lake.
Since 2005, we monitor Ricords iguana nests in the area of Los
Olivares (Pedernales Province) and south of Enriquillo lake.
Monitoring of parrot nests in

Since 2006, we have been following up on parrot
nests in Jaragua Natl. Park, particularly in the area known as Sabana de
Algodón. There, parrots choose to nest in the dried out trunks of old
caheo de Pedernales palms (a regional endemic species). The poaching of
fledglings for their sale as pets is a constant and serious threat. Read
more... soon.
Sea turtle nesting

We have been studying and helping preserve the
nesting activity of sea turtles in Jaragua National Park and del Saona island
(del Este National Park). Weekly, we record nests laid and take
measurements to avoid their predation (from humans) if needed. The
poaching of these eggs is a serious problem, as many dominicans (mistakenly)
believe they are potent aphrodisiacs.
Hawksbill project
Since 1996 we have been studying one of the densest
feeding aggregations for juvenile hawksbills in the world. This is
locatedin the coast of Jaragua National Park and Cabo Rojo