Wild 'Cinnammon'

The tragedy of Sierra de

IBAs in Danger!
+350 IBAs están globalmente amenazadas

Documents and GJ's position on the case
of Bahía de las Aguilas

Destruction of Loma Charco Azul

Another serious problem in the Biosphere

GJ es parte del Comité MAB
Grupo Jaragua
is a non-governmental organization from
the Dominican Republic that works for the sustainable management of
the biodiversity of Hispaniola island, with emphasis on the
Biosphere Reserve.
Grupo Jaragua was created in 1987 to provide support
from civil society for the implementation and comanagement of
National Park. This Park had been established in 1983 and its
management plan was drafted in 1986.
In 1989 Grupo Jaragua received legal
status as a non-profit organization under Dominican Republic´s laws.
The same year it became the first NGO to sign a co-management
agreement of a protected area with the Dominican Government. In
2002, Jaragua National Park, along with two other Parks from the
region, became part of the first UNESCO Biosphere Reserve for the DR,
Grupo Jaragua, has worked
with emphasis on Jaragua National park, but through time, its
expanding its work, in terms of area to the Biosphere Reserve and in
terms of environmental advocacy and policy, to the national and
international level.
Part of the root causes that originally
motivated the creation of Grupo Jaragua in 1987 persist today. The
main strength of Grupo has been its institutional stability.
Since 1987 it has worked without interruption on fulfilling its
institutional mission. This has allowed Grupo strengthen its
institutionality, gobernance, community participation, scientific
research and environmental education activities.
Currently Grupo Jaragua is a member of the Dominican Environmental
Consortium (CAD); the International Union for the Conservation of
Nature (IUCN), and is the national affiliate of BirdLife International.
Part of its directive board members are national representatives in
important regional and international expert groups dealing with
biodiversity conservation, such as the Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle
Conservation Network (WIDECAST). Grupo Jaragua is also part of the
Dominican MaB (Man and the Biosphere) Committee, which will
coordinate the management model and sustainable development of the
Biosphere Reserve.
If you would like to know more about
Grupo Jaragua's work, you can
this presentation

Or you can view our yearly bulletins:
Grupo Jaragua Informa (Spanish only)
2004 2006


What we do

Endangered species campaigns
