Marine Turtle Nesting in the Dominican Republic

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This page presents information on the studies conducted since 2006 on marine turtle nesting beaches in the Dominican Republic, particularly in Jaragua National Park and del Este National Park. These studies have been made possible by: two projects from the Interuniversitary Cooperation Program (PCI) of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation, between University of Valencia (Spain), the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) and Grupo Jaragua, a project from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science given to the University of Valencia, coordinated by the  Marine Zoology Unit of Cavanilles Institute and more recently by the Fundacio General de la Universitat de Valencia (Spain) through the project: "Conservation of marine turtles in the Dominican Republic and sustainable development of local communities."

 Other participating institutions are Grupo Jaragua, the Araucaria Enriquillo Projec, financiado by AECID and implemented by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Dominican Republic (MARENA), the Santo Domingo Institute of Techonolgy, The Nature Conservancy , Exeter University's (UK) Centre for Ecology and Conservation , the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Dominican Republic  and World Wildlife Fund Canada.  Also MARENAs staff, particularly from the Viceministry of Protected Areas and Biodiversity as well as their park rangers continuously offer us their support.

 Satellite tracking 2008-2010 

(click on the name of the hawksbill to see where she is)





Blanquita Turbí










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